Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Recruiting, and Accepting/Rejecting Prospective Members

As our clan becomes higher level, we are getting more and more selective about who we accept. We are looking for players that are mature, loyal, active, and will be real contributors to the clan. We would rather sit with 5 or 10 spots open and slowly add quality players than immediately fill those slots with anyone from global who meets the bare minimum requirements.

We have ads that we put up on Supercell and CoCBuilder when we're really looking for new members, and that is where we get most of our best recruits. We're not opposed to recruiting in global, but we need to make sure we're vetting prospective members thoroughly.

Recruiting in Global

When recruiting in global, we take a sort of Calvin Klein approach. There is no shortage of players out there that would be interested in joining our clan, so we need to make sure we're finding ones that will be a good fit. Players need to know we are active mature/adults level 75+, gold 3 min, and war once per week with search on Thursdays. When posting recruitment messages, try to include this, and/or tell people to read the clan description in global. Generally, we don't ever invite people; they'll request if interested. People that lurk in global, and request to join without saying anything generally don't make the best members, so try to interrogate players and answer questions in global if you can. If players too low for us are requesting, be sure to mention Death Escalator.

Also, if you know a co is around or you weren't personally talking to someone in global, wait a few minutes. Players that join another clan that quickly are probably hoppers and didn't really want to be in our clan anyway.

What to Look for in Prospective Members

Make sure you check players' profiles and visit their bases before accepting.

1. Mature/Adults

Sometimes you can tell a player's age/maturity level from their name, or what they say in their request to join. Definitely try to get a feel for this before you let someone in if you can.

2. Level 75+

At this stage, level 75 is the absolute minimum. More than half our clan is level 80+ now, so if we're going to add players that will fall into the bottom third in terms of level, they really need to be exceptional. In other words, really strong donations (15,000+), high trophy count (preferably Gold 1 or better), and strong troops.

3. Army/Troops

Anyone without at least 200 army camp spots, and level 5+ wizards and archers is an automatic no. Anyone that doesn't have level 3 dragons at this stage is also probably a no unless they have a lot of other things going for them. Level 3+ minions and hogs, and level 2+ PEKKAs are also strongly preferred. If you're not sure, say no or ask what army they use in war. This has to be taken into consideration because we are really looking for players that can successfully attack most enemy bases, not players who can only contribute by attacking the bottom 10 or 15. It also helps to visit their base and see what they have made...if their camps are entirely full of barbarians, archers, and goblins, that doesn't mean they should be rejected, but it's also definitely not a point in their favor.

4. War Eligibility

Players that are ineligible for war for 24 hours or more are pretty much an automatic no. If they left their clan after war was declared and didn't battle, they obviously wouldn't have a problem doing the same to us. The only way they would be allowed to stay is if they explained that their previous clan was a free-for-all where leaders were constantly declaring war and half the clan was constantly leaving/not showing.

Players that are ineligible for 0-24 hours also need to be vetting carefully. They may be looking to hop from clan to clan to war constantly, though we're not necessarily opposed to this if they are up front about it and will be strong contributors to the war effort. We also need to be careful as we are approaching war if we are trying to fill up 50 slots with eligible players.

5. Donations

At this stage, anyone with less than 7,500 donations should be rejected, and anyone with less than 10,000 is really iffy.

6. Trophies and Other Achievements

If a player hasn't made it to crystal by level 75, they've never really done anything but farm, and we probably don't want them. Likewise they should really have destroyed at least 350 town halls and won 750 multiplayer battles. Also look at the hero vs spoils of war -- if the war hero is significantly higher, we may have to worry about a tendency to attack low. Also if they've won much more than 150 stars in war, they may want to do more than 1 war per week.

7. No Rushed Town Halls, Good Designs

Any town hall 9's under level 80, or town hall 10's under level 90 should probably be rejected unless they seem pretty advanced for their level. At town hall 8, look for level 6+ walls, level 8+ archer towers and cannons, etc. Town hall 9's should have level 10+ cannons, 6+ mortars, 6+ wizard towers, at ideally at least level 5 air defense. Players that have everything in one giant square or other really weak base designs are probably kids and should be rejected. 

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