TH10 Upgrade Guide

If war weight becomes somewhat important at TH9, it becomes extremely important at TH10. Not only does building and upgrading inferno towers make a much bigger impact than anything else in the game, getting your offense up to speed takes much longer as well. Build or upgrade your infernos too soon, and your defense can easily get ahead of your offense, and it can also take a long time to recover. And in the meantime, you'll likely get matched against players with significantly higher offense and defense.

1. Starting with the 9.5 Strategy is Highly Recommended

For reasons mentioned above, it is strongly encouraged that you do not build any new defenses aside from your new walls, traps and bombs (and possibly archer tower and cannon) until you have upgraded your spell factory, lab, army camps, and clan castle. You should probably also have golems upgraded by the time you're ready to build your infernos, and many suggest getting your freeze spell to level 3 or even 4. See full 9.5 upgrade guide. 

2. Building Infernos, New Defense to TH9 Max

Once you've built your infernos, your next step is to take your new xbow to level 3, and your new archer tower and cannon to TH9 max if you haven't done those already.

3. PEKKA, Giants, Wallbreakers, Wizards

If your freeze is already at least level 3, your next 2 upgrades are probably PEKKAs, that is if you haven't done them already. After that, giants can be useful against single infernos, max wallbreakers will help with high level walls, and somewhere in there, you probably want to max your freeze spell too.

4. Teslas, then Archer Towers, then Cannons

At TH10, teslas are both the cheapest upgrade, and pack the most punch. When it comes to war weight, teslas, archer towers, and cannons all make significantly less impact than mortars, wizard towers, xbows, or infernos. In fact, upgrading all your teslas, archer towers, and cannons has roughly the same impact as upgrading your two infernos, but will give your defense a much bigger boost.

5. Inferno Towers

Once you've maxed your teslas, and upgraded your archer towers and cannons at least to level 12 (though ideally to level 13), you can safely upgrade your infernos without worrying too much about the impact on your defensive weight, especially considering that by this point your war troops and spells should be close to fully upgraded. If you only did level 12 archers and cannons before level 2 infernos, max your archers and cannons before going to level 3.

6. XBows then Wizard Towers, then Mortars

The weight on these defenses is high enough that you can justify doing the infernos before them, and after that, it doesn't much matter what you choose to do next. At this stage though, you'll probably get the most bang for your buck by starting with Xbows, then doing wizard towers, then mortars.

7. Air Defense and Sweepers

If you didn't do your air defense and sweepers while you were still 9.5, then you might as well leave them until the end. Air attacks become rarer again at TH10, and level 7 air defense, along with your infernos and other added defenses, are enough to thwart all but the best air attackers, especially if you have a well designed base.

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