General Rules and Requirements

We only have one major rule here, and that's if you're opted in and counted in for war, you need to show up and do both battles with strong armies to maximize stars for the clan. 

We do have other guidelines, but everything else we're generally pretty laid back about.

1. Follow the War Guidelines

See above. More detailed information on our War Guideline page.

2. Stay On Top of Opting in and Out

Whether you're upgrading heroes, busy, or just want a break, you are responsible for staying on top of your war status. If you don't really want to war but are available if needed, opt out and let us know that in the chat in case we need to put you in.

3.  Donate When Requesting, and Donate Your Best Troops Whenever Possible

We don't have strict quotas or ratios, but we do like to see at least 300 donations per season, and at least 1 troop donated for every 3 requested. We expect you to donate when requesting, and donate what is requested (this is particularly important during war time). Wizards, archers, minions, and witches are standard--archers and minions are good if you're doing back to back raids, but if you're putting the game down for a while, make some wizards to donate. Other troops should only be donated if specified, and if you're not sure, ask the person if they want what you have to donate.

4. Get a Shield at the Beginning of the Season

The more active we appear, the easier it is to recruit. We understand you may take breaks from the game, and that's fine, but inactive members will be removed periodically.

5. Read the Clan Messages

We only send out messages that are important for Clan Wars and administering the clan, so make sure you read your clan mail.

6. Drama, Ego, Being an ass, or Disregarding the Rules Will Get You Kicked

1 comment:

  1. How do I try out for this clan. I'm tired of being in a clan that doesn't care. I'm about a month from being a max th8 my clan right now is called house of wolves and my tag is BlackJack
