The first rule of donating in our clan is to fill outstanding requests when you are requesting, assuming you have or can easily make the troops being asked for.
We also expect our members to be donating 200 or more troops per season, and to try and maintain a ratio of at least 1 troop donated for every 3 received.
Minimum Donation and Ratio
In order to ensure donations are filled in a timely fashion, we need active players that are donating on a regular basis. For active players, 200 donations every 2 weeks should be no problem at all--at least half our clan regularly donates twice that, and at least a handful of players donate 1,000 per season or more.
The 1:3 ratio is to ensure that everyone in the clan donates fairly. We know some players will request more than they donate, and others will donate more than they request, but we don't particularly want or need players that only donate archers, or that request four or five times the number of troops they donate, forcing the rest of the clan to pick up their slack. Again, a minimum of one troop space donated for every three requested is more than fair, and a minimum standard that is lower than many of the better clans out there. The ratio is more of a guideline than a requirement; we're not going to kick players that donate good troops if their ratio is a little low, but that also doesn't mean we're going to keep you around if you're consistently asking for nothing but good troops and not donating in kind.
What to Give
Our standard donations are archers, wizards 5+, and minions 3+. Along with dragons and witches, these are the best all-purpose troops, and are particularly good for defense since they stand back and shoot, and will attack ground or air units. If someone asks for defensive troops or range troops, these are the troops that should be given.
If a person specifies a preference or lists troops in an order, it usually means they'd prefer the things listed first. In this case, if you're planning to donate a less preferred troop, ask or wait a few minutes first (i.e. if someone says wizards dark troop pekka archer, don't immediately give them archers).
If you're not sure if someone wants something, it never hurts to ask.
When Requesting
Requests should provide a range of options for donators to choose from. It is alright to request a preference, like dragons or wizards first, but requests should always include archers, or other troops with short training times (giants or barbarians) as well.
Requests that specify high level troops only can sometimes sit for a while because not everyone has the troops being requested, and also because requesting nothing but troops that are at or above your level, or troops that are expensive and have long training times, is generally considered bad form and doesn't really make players want to donate to you or endear you to the clan, so we really players not specify level because only a handful of players still have level 4 archers and wizards, and no one has anything below that.
The three main exceptions for this are war requests (covered below), if a player comes on and asks the clan if anyone would like a certain type of troop (this occurs most frequently with healers and dragons), or if you want a specific troop that is cheap/easy to make (giants, archers, barbarians or goblins only). The fourth exception would be if you happen to be one of the best donators in the clan, and are known for giving away your best troops all the time, but these players aren't generally the types that care too much what is in their clan castle.
War Requests
This is covered in the Clan War Strategy Guide in more detail, but you only need to request troops for offense using your regular clan castle during battle day. Make sure you put "war request" and specify what troops you want. We try to give the best troops we possibly can for war, and many players would rather wait for the troops they are asking for than take something else into battle, so make sure you pay attention to what is asked for, and if you don't have it, let it sit.
For defense, the only troops that should be donated to the war castles are 5+ wizards, witches, 4+ minions, level 6+ archers, and 3+ dragons. If there are any spots left with a few hours to go, level 5 archers are acceptable. Players with dragons 3, wizards 5, minions 4 and witches 1 should start from the bottom so higher level players have a chance to fill the higher camps with wizards 6, minions 5+, dragons 4 and witches 2.
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